Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So things didn't work out with the pregnancy like we would have hoped. I went in towards the end of November when I was suppose to be about 9 1/2 weeks and they discovered that the baby was only measuring about 6 weeks so they wanted us to come back in a week to see if anything had changed. We went back on December 4th and nothing had changed and they could find the baby so we decided that I would go ahead and have a d&c done so the doctor scheduled it for the next day (December 5th). After this happened me and Andrew talked and decided that we are done we are not going to try again being as this was my 5th pregnancy. I don't know if someday we will try adoption or not. Like my mom told me I guess God has other plans for me, so we will see, and I also can just spoil my nieces and nephews.

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